title: "Unix/Linux/MacOS Monitor Tools" date: 2013-11-29 categories: - "linux-admin"
Web munin Nagios Icinga foreman monit monitorix Suricata
Web ntop cacti Terminal iftop tcpdump netstat iptraf vnstat
Terminal top htop vmstat pmap
title: "All about text terminal" date: 2016-08-04 categories: - "linux-admin"
title: "tcp协议之上的CCNx" date: 2012-10-26 categories: - "linux-admin"
title: "RTX内核" date: 2012-10-13 categories: - "devices"
semaphore,message,mailbox,mutex等同步与通信机制,代码易读,可移植性也好,在mini2440上运行完美,我只用了4个led 观察。
喜欢的话可以看看,这是RTX内核源码,移植需要更改MDK中board 部分内容。
title: "OpenVPN" date: 2013-02-05 categories: - "linux-admin"
服务端: 生成证书等相关文件 /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0 生成证书
local port 1194 proto udp dev tap ca /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/ca.crt cert /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/server.crt key /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/server.key # This file should be kept secret dh /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/dh1024.pem server ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt push "route" push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp" push "dhcp-option DNS" push "dhcp-option DNS" client-to-client duplicate-cn keepalive 10 120 comp-lzo user nobody group nobody persist-key persist-tun status openvpn-status.log verb 3
客户端: Windows:
client dev tap proto udp remote hostname 1194 persist-key persist-tun ca ca.crt cert client1.crt key client1.key comp-lzo
其他需要文件为ca.crt, client1.crt, client1.key 放到安装目录的config中
连接外网: #打开ipv4的ipforwad #当次
sysctl -a | grep ip_forward sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
title: "Git Exp." date: 2013-04-08 categories: - "linux-admin" tags: - "Git"
Supposing that you had a git server, we can use exist git as your own working bare.
[On your own git server] Create a repo. Clone an exist git.
$ git clone git@exist-server:exist.git
Make its master branch writable.
$ echo -e "[receive]ntdenyCurrentBranch = ignore" >> exist.git/.git/config
[On your client] Create a branch & make a change. Clone exist.git as your own git-src, in which you can see the old commits and branch.
$ git clone git@your-server:exist.git $ cd exist
We create a new branch based on its master.
$ git checkout -b mybranch $ echo "Add README" > README $ git add README $ git commit -m "Add READEME in ROOT"
Since this is our first commit, we should push our branch to origin. Next time you should just type 'git push'
$ git push origin mybranch
[On your own git server] An update in master. Let's get some new commits.
$ git pull
Here we get something like this...
Now we get commit0 and commitA on mybranch, with commit0 and commit1 on branch master. What we want is something like this.
[On your client] Merge commit1 to mybranch Way 1.Just merge them from your own git server
$ git pull origin master
Way 2.Pull commit1 to local master, then rebase or merge it to mybranch Merge:
$ git merge master
$ git rebase master
Final step:
$ git push
title: "Build a robot assistant with nowadays cloud apis" date: 2018-12-11 categories: - "ai" - "cloud-infra" tags: - "AI"
现在随着AI以及计算技术的成熟,尤其Google Assistant已经可以跟人自然语音对话了,所以觉得可以再尝试一下,加之工作需要,所以便又再开启。
现在随着AI以及计算技术的成熟,尤其Google Assistant已经可以跟人自然语音对话了,所以觉得可以再尝试一下,加之工作需要,所以便又再开启。
当然,这里我们首先选取交互平台为微信(Web API),交互形式为语音、文字等不限形式。然后再来看看哪些平台提供的最好用且最像人。
title: "incrontab howto - filesystem status change notify" date: 2015-03-31 categories: - "linux-admin"
1. Install incrontab.
2. Edit /etc/incron.allow
3. Use incrontab command
When monitoring a directory, the events marked with an asterisk (*) above can occur for files in the directory, in which case the name field in the returned event data identifies the name of the file within the directory.
The IN_ALL_EVENTS symbol is defined as a bit mask of all of the above events. Two additional convenience symbols are IN_MOVE, which is a combination of IN_MOVED_FROM and IN_MOVED_TO, and IN_CLOSE which combines IN_CLOSE_WRITE and IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE.
The following further symbols can be specified in the mask: IN_DONT_FOLLOW Don't dereference pathname if it is a symbolic link IN_ONESHOT Monitor pathname for only one event
IN_ONLYDIR Only watch pathname if it is a directory
Additionaly, there is a symbol which doesn't appear in the inotify symbol set. It it IN_NO_LOOP. This symbol disables monitoring events until the current one is completely handled (until its child process exits).
Command translation
$$ dollar sign $@ watched filesystem path (see above) $# event-related file name $% event flags (textually) $& event flags (numerically)
/var/www IN_ACCESS echo /var/www/ wass accessed at $$date
Access your web server in a browser and watch the status change.
title: "Something about curl -- Connecting IPA Server using json as an example" date: 2013-04-10 categories: - "linux-admin" tags: - "curl"
With Arduino as a server.
What we want is to keep a cookie and build a HEADER http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html [P1]
curl -e curl -H referer:whereicamefrom.com curl -d @file.txt curl -d "somecmd" curl -cookie curl -D
[P2] Communicating with ipa server https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/freeipa.git/tree/API.txt
Get ca.crt
curl -k https://$YOURHOST/ipa/config/ca.crt >> /tmp/ipa.ca.cert
Get sessionid
sessid=$(curl -v -H referer:https://ipa.test.net/ipa/ui/index.html -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Accept:*/*" --negotiate -u : --cacert ./ca.crt -d "user=admin" -d "password=12345678" -D cookie.txt -X POST -k
https://ipa.test.net/ipa/session/login_password 2>&1 | grep -o "ipa_session=[a-zA-Z0-9]*")
Post a json file with cmd in it
curl -v -H referer:https://ipa.test.net/ipa/ui/index.html -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:applicaton/json" -negotiate -u : --cacert ./ca.crt --cookie $sessid -d @ipa.json -X POST -k
Here's a json file
{ "method":"user_find", "params":[ [""], {"uid":"admin"} ], "id":0 }
{ "method":"user_add", "params":[ [], { "uid":"test1", "cn":"cn", "givenname":"test1", "sn":"test1" } ], "id":0 }
title: "如何正确计算CPU利用率?" date: 2017-07-05 categories: - "linux-admin" tags: - "Performance"
我们平时使用的CPU利用率方法是极具误导性的,并且一年更甚一年。那么什么是CPU利用率?是你的CPU到底有多忙,是像“% CPU”这样到处在用的指标所显示的那样吗?
在老旧的分时系统里,这么算没毛病。阿波罗登月舱的导航系统计算机将这里的idle线程叫做“DUMMY JOB”,工程师用利用它来测算计算机的利用率,可以参考之前我写过的这样一篇文章。
Performance counter stats for 'system wide':
1 2 3 4 |
1,433,972,173,374 cycles # 2.236 GHz (75.02%)
1,118,336,816,068 instructions # 0.78 insns per cycle (75.01%) 249,644,142,804 branches # 389.218 M/sec (75.01%) 7,791,449,769 branch-misses # 3.12% of all branches (75.01%)
1 |
这里的一个关键指标就是instructions per cylce(IPC,每CPU周期执行指令数),它能够显示每CPU周期内每个CPU运行了多少指令,越高说明效率越高。上述示例中,这一值为0.78,但这并不说明CPU利用率为78%,因为现代CPU的IPC最大值为4.0(新的已经到了5.0),也就是4-wide。CPU在执行指令时,单个指令会被分割为多个步骤,比如取指令、解码、执行、内存访问、写寄存器等,这些命令如果在单个CPU周期内最多执行一个,那么需要5个CPU周期来完成一条命令,IPC就是0.2,如果采用指令流水线,即3~5-wide的CPU,那么完美状态下1个CPU周期就可以完成一条命令,IPC就是1。(译者注:作者文中使用了CPU clock cycle表示通常所说的CPU周期,为了避免与晶振时钟周期混肴我并没有将其译为CPU时钟周期。)
如果在虚拟化环境中,guest一般不能直接访问PMC,这取决于hypervisor是否支持。我最近写的一篇The PMCs of EC2: Measuring IPC展示了AWS EC2中基于Xen的虚拟机如何使用PMC。
如果你的IPC小于1.0,你可能遇到了内存操作密集型,软件调优策略可以有减少内存I/O,增强内存本地访问性,尤其是在NUMA系統上。硬件调优策略则是使用CPU cache较大以及更快的内存、总线和内联技术。
如果你的IPC > 1.0,你可能是指令密集型。可以试图减少指令的执行数量,比如消除不必要的工作和缓存操作等,可以用一下CPU火焰图。硬件调优方面,可以尝试高主频、多核、超线程的CPU。
tiptop - [root] Tasks: 96 total, 3 displayed screen 0: default
PID [ %CPU] %SYS P Mcycle Minstr IPC %MISS %BMIS %BUS COMMAND 3897 35.3 28.5 4 274.06 178.23 0.65 0.06 0.00 0.0 java 1319+ 5.5 2.6 6 87.32 125.55 1.44 0.34 0.26 0.0 nm-applet 900 0.9 0.0 6 25.91 55.55 2.14 0.12 0.21 0.0 dbus-daemo
使得这个%CPU指标错误的理由除了CPU在内存的怠速周期外,还有如下因素: 1. 温度也能使CPU进入怠速; 2. Turboboost(睿频)引起时钟频率变化; 3. SpeedStep引起时钟频率变化; 4. 一分钟内的80%的平均利用率并不能表示100%的突发利用率(类似网络QoS); 5. 自旋锁:CPU在很严肃地瞎忙;
Update: CPU利用率真的错了吗? 自这篇文章发布以后,留言讨论非常激烈,已经有了上百条了。首先谢谢你们对这话题感兴趣并花时间阅读,但我在这里还是要统一回复:我对disk的iowait并不关心(译者注:PC CPU不能直接操作外部存储),并且文中也已经给出了内存操作密集型的对应调优措施。
然后,CPU利用率到底是从本质上错了还是仅仅是了?我认为需要人将高CPU利用率视为处理单元的瓶颈的事儿,是错的。那么这个指标的计算方法从技术上讲正确吗?如果CPU在怠速期间不能被其他任何进程使用,那么这不就是所谓的“使用等待”(听起来有点矛盾)。某些情况下,%CPU作为一个操作系统层面的指标是技术正确但是容易误导人的。在超线程中,怠速周期可以被其他线程使用,所以%CPU的算法也会将其算在内,而实际上并没有利用。那样是不对的,这篇文章中我强调的是解释问题并提出对策,并且,这个指标也有技术上的问题。 结论
CPU利用率已成为一个极具误导性的指标:它算进了等待主存的周期,而这类周期在现代的CPU负载中占据不少。如果使用额外指标,你就能搞清楚%CPU到底意味着什么,包括每CPU周期执行指令数(IPC)。IPC < 1.0可能意味着你的应用是内存密集型,而IPC > 1.0则可能是指令密集型。我在之前的一篇文章
本文翻译自Brendan Gregg的博客文章《CPU Utilization is Wrong》,原文链接为http://www.brendangregg.com/blog/2017-05-09/cpu-utilization-is-wrong.html,就是那本《性能之巅(中译)》的作者,调试工具dtrace的作者,现就职于NetFlix。
title: "inspire设计" date: 2013-02-25 categories: - "linux-admin"
client : android/pc/arduino
server : linux
node : with client service installed
action : cmd src dest
backend: recognize the cmd, get src type from the dest, search src in the node
title: "docker using linux bridge" date: 2018-11-08 categories: - "cloud-infra"
A. Change docker bridge dockerd -H unix:// -b br_eth0 --fixed-cidr= --default-gateway
B. Create manually, but flexibly Recreate veth pair if your docker instance was restarted or exited.
[root@172-20-17-247 ~]# docker run --network none -it tianon/network-toolbox /bin/bash [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' 3 74406 [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# ip link add centos3-cont type veth peer name centos3-host [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# brctl addif br_eth0 centos3-host [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# ifconfig centos3-host up [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# ip link set netns 74406 dev centos3-cont [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# nsenter -t 74406 -n ip link set centos3-cont up [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# nsenter -t 74406 -n ip addr add dev centos3-cont [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# nsenter -t 74406 -n ip route add default via
[root@172-20-17-247 ~]# docker exec -it 3 bash root@39eb1da6e842:/# ping google.com PING google.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=55 time=87.434 ms ^C--- google.com ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 87.434/87.434/87.434/0.000 ms
C. With pipework script https://github.com/jpetazzo/pipework [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# pipework br_eth0 -i eth2 CONTAINERID [root@172-20-17-247 ~]# pipework route CONTAINERID replace default via
title: "Using solr+nutch+django to build your own search engine portal" date: 2015-01-14 categories: - "linux-admin"
title: "Using Gpu in Pi" date: 2013-06-14 categories: - "devices"
We had a wiki here. http://elinux.org/RPi_Xorg_rpi_Driver#Design
And vc sdk on github. It's also in /opt/vc. https://github.com/raspberrypi
X using gpu. https://github.com/simonjhall/fbdev_exa
Playback accelerating. http://wiki.matthiasbock.net/index.php/Hardware-accelerated_video_playback_on_the_Raspberry_Pi
Compile gstreamer{*} in Pi http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.gstreamer.devel/43011
Using wayland instead of X Here's the build instruction http://wayland.freedesktop.org/raspberrypi.html For recently PI_DEBIAN img, we should just
apt-get install weston weston-dev
Using xwayland to run X application in wayland..
Notes: 1. If you're going to compile cairo using egl, you shall meet a problem like undeclared 'None', just DEFINE one as 0L. 2. Using soft link rather than copying one when library is missing.
Waiting4Test Tuning Rasbian Speedup CPU: raspi-config arm_freq=900 I always use this hack and my rpi run without problem Change scheduler/elevator at boot time: we use more responsive/less disk io usage scheduler: modify the /boot/cmdline.txt
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=commit=120,data=writeback elevator=deadline rootwait quiet
Tuning sysctl.conf: as manual say, sysctl.conf is the “Configuration file for setting system variables”... well there are lot of variables you can put inside this file and for everyone we can write a book. Our goal is to gain more speed and tell our system to use less io/ram. Let’s put in the /etc/sysctl.conf:
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 20 vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 0 vm.dirty_ratio = 80 vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 1200 vm.overcommit_ratio = 2 vm.laptop_mode = 5 vm.swappiness = 10
Tuning SDCard: Quite hard to understand, but changing the partition alignment of the SDCard can highly improve the write speed of our sdcard. Basically we have to align the first partition to the erase block size of our sdcard. I suggest to read an reread the reference link. To do that in our sdcard that contain our RaspberryPI Debian distro we have to: backup our filesystem from linux: cd /media/mymmcblk0p2/ (the partitition that’s contain debian fs) tar -cvpzf /home/gibbio/RPI-TC_fs.tgz --exclude=./proc --exclude=./lost+found --exclude=./sys --exclude=./mnt --exclude=./media --exclude=./dev ./ cd /media/mymmcblk0p1/ (the partitition that’s contain boot kernel etc) tar -cvpzf /home/gibbio/RPI-TC_boot.tgz ./ Now use printcsd.py to find the erase block size, most sd have 128K so we use 128K/Sector size = 256 sectors (mine have 64k so we have to use 64k/512b = 128 sector alignement)
sfdisk -f -H224 -S56 /dev/mmcblk0 Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ... OK Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 244448 cylinders, 224 heads, 56 sectors/track Old situation: Units = cylinders of 6422528 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0 Device Boot Start End #cyls #blocks Id System /dev/mmcblk0p1 0 - 0 0 0 Empty /dev/mmcblk0p2 0 - 0 0 0 Empty /dev/mmcblk0p3 0 - 0 0 0 Empty /dev/mmcblk0p4 0 - 0 0 0 Empty Input in the following format; absent fields get a default value. Usually you only need to specify and (and perhaps ). /dev/mmcblk0p1 :,8,c /dev/mmcblk0p1 0+ 7 8- 50175+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA) (enter enter) /dev/mmcblk0p2 : /dev/mmcblk0p2 8 1246 1239 7771008 83 Linux /dev/mmcblk0p3 : /dev/mmcblk0p3 0 - 0 0 0 Empty /dev/mmcblk0p4 : /dev/mmcblk0p4 0 - 0 0 0 Empty New situation: Units = cylinders of 6422528 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0 Device Boot Start End #cyls #blocks Id System /dev/mmcblk0p1 0+ 7 8- 50175+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/mmcblk0p2 8 1246 1239 7771008 83 Linux /dev/mmcblk0p3 0 - 0 0 0 Empty /dev/mmcblk0p4 0 - 0 0 0 Empty Warning: no primary partition is marked bootable (active) This does not matter for LILO, but the DOS MBR will not boot this disk. Do you want to write this to disk? [ynq] y Successfully wrote the new partition table Re-reading the partition table ... If you created or changed a DOS partition, /dev/foo7, say, then use dd(1) to zero the first 512 bytes: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/foo7 bs=512 count=1 (See fdisk(8).)
gibbio # fdisk -l... Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 8010 MB, 8010072064 bytes 224 heads, 56 sectors/track, 1247 cylinders, total 15644672 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x000ee283 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/mmcblk0p1 1 100351 50175+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/mmcblk0p2 100352 15642367 7771008 83 Linux
title: "deploy & debug ovirt in the intellij ide" date: 2013-04-05 categories: - "cloud-infra"
Before we start, we need intellij enterprise version and a register tool.. [url]
[Summary] 1. We should open the pom.xml file instead of the project directory. 2. Modify the extension of the directory in the project properties. 3. Modify the .m2 file in your personal directory to make jboss know where to deploy the project. 4. We need seperate run/debug config to make it clearer.
[Steps] OVIRT_HOME=/home/demo JBOSS_HOME=/usr/jboss-as JDK=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_17 $ cmd as demo # cmd as root 1.Compile the ovirt from src in $OVIRT_HOME
$ mvn clean install -Pgwt-admin,gwt-user -DskipTests=true
2.Deploy ovirt You need ~/.m2/settings.xml file in /root/ and /home/demo directory.
1 2 3 |
in $OVIRT_HOME/ear
3.Run jboss You should export an environment variant and a runtime configuration file.
$ echo -e "ENGINE_USR=admin111nENGINE_ETC=/etc/ovirt-engine" > $OVIRT_HOME/backend/manager/conf/engine.conf.defaults
title: "Compile Android Spice(aSpice)" date: 2013-09-02 categories: - "cloud-infra"
Ref: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.spice.devel/13944 https://github.com/iiordanov/remote-desktop-clients/blob/master/BUILDING
Before following the BUILDING instruction in the repo, you need download android-ndk-r9d, or else you will get lots of error.
I was using Eclipse for android neon, android-sdk-25.
cebero is no longer needed. update 2016
编译环境 ubuntu-14.04,按理12.04、16.04也可以
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1AWPmo 密码:t4ku
demo@ubuntu:~$ tar xf Downloads/android-ndk-r9d-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C /home/demo/ demo@ubuntu:~$ sudo tar xf Downloads/gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-release-1.4.5.tar.bz2 -C /opt/gstreamer
然后在这个bVNC目录中执行命令: demo@ubuntu:bVNC$ find jni/src -name \*.h -o -name \*.c -exec sed -i 's/aSPICE/bVNC/' {} \;
1. Install/update sqlitegen plugin v0.1.19 into Eclipse from: https://github.com/iiordanov/sqlitegen-secure/releases/download/v0.1.19/sqlitegen_eclipse_site_0.1.19.jar
NOTE: Using an older version of the plugin may not work because of the switch to the sqlcipher release of sqlite.
2. Clone the FreeRDP project in the parent directory of where you cloned bVNC project: git clone git://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP.git
Check out a commit known to work with bVNC: git checkout stable-1.1
You should now have bVNC and FreeRDP side by side in the same directory.
Add bVNC, ZoomerWithKeys and PubkeyGenerator from the bVNC/eclipse_projects/ directory to Eclipse as existing Android projects. Add FreeRDPCore from the FreeRDP/client/Android/ directory to Eclipse as an Existing Android Project.
3. Ensure ZoomerWithKeys, PubkeyGenerator, and FreeRDPCore projects are called exactly as written here by right-clicking on each of them, then selecting Refactor->Rename
3. Add the ZoomerWithKeys, PubkeyGenerator, and FreeRDPCore projects as Library References to bVNC (right-click on the bVNC project and select Properties -> Android -> Library). If they are not, add them.
4. Ensure that ZoomerWithKeys, PubkeyGenerator, and FreeRDPCore are specified as "Required projects on the build path" (right- click on the bVNC project, and select Properties -> Java Build Path -> Projects). If they are not, add them.
5. Ensure that ZoomerWithKeys, PubkeyGenerator, and FreeRDPCore are referenced in Properties -> Project References (put checkmarks on projects).
6. To build and successfully run aSPICE, you need to: - Unpack gstreamer-sdk 1.4.5 into /opt/gstreamer. I obtained my copy from: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/pkg/android/1.4.5/gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-release-1.4.5.tar.bz2 Newer versions either crash or have GNUtls errors that need work.
- Edit AndroidManifest.xml and change android:label="bVNC" and android:name="bVNC" to android:label="aSPICE" and android:name="aSPICE" respectively.
- cd bVNC/eclipse_projects/bVNC
- Replace all instances of aSPICE with bVNC in native code (.c and .h files). This requirement should go away in the future. You can use the following command: find jni/src -name \*.h -o -name \*.c -exec sed -i 's/aSPICE/bVNC/' {} \;
- ndk-build GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT_ANDROID=/opt/gstreamer -j 4
- Unfortunately, currently ndk-build destroys other pre-existing libraries in eclipse_projects/bVNC/libs, so after successfully building libspice and libgstreamer, one has to git checkout the files which were deleted.
- Force one boolean variable to be true. You can use the following command: find ./ -name \*.java -exec sed -i 's/isSpice = .*;/isSpice = true;/' {} \;
- You may have to select the "Android private libraries" entry in Project Properties->Java Build Path->Order and Export if you have it.
- Enable requesting the RECORD_AUDIO permission in AndroidManifest.xml with the following sed command: sed -i 's//<\/uses-permission>/g' AndroidManifest.xml
Please inform me if (6) needs to be expanded (i.e. if you needed to do anything else in addition to the above.
风雪中掠过一只飞鸟 草原尽头是被大火覆盖的城市 好像还有人站在海边 他们惆怅着,似乎黑夜就要到来
你若能带走她 便将她带去,一个温暖明亮的世界 这世界,已然成寂寞的世界 众人追寻先人脚步,可是也找不到那宝藏
终于收到她的来信。 信中她说道战舰提前完工,将军希望我能参与。 怎么说呢,我厌倦了,这些。 曾经有段时间,我一直思考本善与本恶的问题,结果就是这得分人。 现在挺好的,没事儿叫上卡尔出去打猎,和当地同样爱好烟斗的人品烟论斗,等等我曾经追求的生活。 我想我是越来越懒了,可是日复一日我便会有新想法,引擎转不停。
2012年3月4日 异星战争结束,卡尔和莉莉在地中海一个小岛上旅行。 我这两月来,累。
2012年1月7日 荒诞的世界里生活着无辜的人,他们日夜劳作,只为满足。 有一天,平衡被打破,他们便惊慌失措。为了保持他们千百年来形成的习惯,他们不得不征服,不得不进步。 政权建立了,贫富分化了,而这些,都只是一个过程,一个进化的过程,不是他们,而是世界在进化。 长久以来,人类意识达到了一个临界点,类似锯齿,每隔几十年便有一次高峰,而这次,是迈向一个新纪元的时刻。 社会最底层的基础不会改变,因为引导意识洪流的仍是脑中的满足。 陪她驱车在未名的野林里晃悠了两天,见识了自然的威力,乱发言。