要放弃linode的集群了,因为vultr ipv6内部通信更便宜。
要放弃linode的集群了,因为vultr ipv6内部通信更便宜。
Wikipedia is good. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercomputer
Storage Network Server Cooler
Infrastructure deployment Parallel Filesystem Workload Management Development
Finally, we've got a PPT.
title: "构建基于ARM的超算集群" date: 2019-08-26 categories: - "cloud-infra" - "devices" - "hpc"
Nowadays ARM-based servers are being applied to many scenarios, so we are going to port some workload to the minimal ARM SoC with NVIDIA GPU to evaluate the feasibility of production usage.
Hardware: Legacy ARM SoC boards, e.g. Raspberry Pi, Beagle Board, NVIDIA Jetson(GPU) and standard ARM-based servers.
Share Storage: ARM-based Glusterfs with pNFS.
Application: ANY
Since the MicroBlaze provides the lockstep feature, so finally we can make a POC.
[1] Triple Modular Redundancy: https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/ip_documentation/tmr/v1_0/pg268-tmr.pdf
[2] Fault Tolerance Technique for Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2e98/b34ee8736eba7747b223c333de5739a6e601.pdf
[3] Xilinx Reduces Risk and Increases Efficiency for IEC61508 and ISO26262 Certified Safety Applications: https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/white_papers/wp461-functional-safety.pdf
[4] Spartan-6 FPGA Dual-Lockstep MicroBlaze Processor with Isolation Design Flow: https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/application_notes/xapp584-dual-lockstep-microblaze-IDF.pdf
[5] MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide: https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2019_2/ug984-vivado-microblaze-ref.pdf
Before stepping into the virtio acceleration, we will build and run a Linux(PetaLinux) in FPGA.
Despite the poor performance of simulation in X86, it's very convenient to create POC.
We choose MPSoC zcu106(PS) to test ARM, Zynq zc702(PS) to test ARM and Kintex UltraScale kcu705(PL) to test MicroBlaze softcore.
OS: Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop
Vivado: 2019.1
Xilinx SDK: 2019.1
PetalLinux SDK: PetaLinux 2019.1
BSP: Evaluation Board BSP or generated from Vivado/Xilinx SDK
QEMU is in the PetaLinux SDK directory, it's not necessary to rebuild if you do not wanna modify anything.
git clone git://github.com/Xilinx/qemu.git cd qemu apt install libglib2.0-dev libgcrypt20-dev zlib1g-dev autoconf automake libtool bison flex libpixman-1-dev git submodule update --init dtc ./configure --target-list="aarch64-softmmu,microblazeel-softmmu" --enable-fdt --disable-kvm --disable-xen make -j4
petalinux-create -t project -n zcu106_arm_a53 --template zynqMP -s ../bsp/xilinx-zcu106-v2019.1-final.bsp petalinux-config # Decide what to build
After the project created, pre-built images is in directory pre-built. You can test it via petalinux-boot
petalinux-boot --qemu --prebuilt 3 # Start ZCU106 virtual machine with prebuilt kernel
To accelerate the sstate mirror check process, you need download the sstate cache in Ref [5].
If you are using petalinux as root, you need modify sanity.conf like this:
cat /opt/petalinux/v2019.1/components/yocto/source/aarch64/layers/core/meta/conf/sanity.conf
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
petalinux-boot --qemu --prebuilt 3
/root/Desktop/qemu_zynq_devices/qemu/aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 \ -M arm-generic-fdt-7series -machine linux=on -smp 2 -m 1G \ -serial /dev/null -serial mon:stdio -display none \ -kernel /blog/images/linux/uImage -dtb /blog/images/linux/system.dtb
Now we'll add sdcard and try to boot Ubuntu Core OS.
qemu-img create qemu_sd.img 2G -M arm-generic-fdt-7series -machine linux=on -smp 2 -m 1G \ -serial /dev/null -serial mon:stdio -display none \ -kernel /blog/images/linux/uImage -dtb /blog/images/linux/system.dtb
[1] Build QEMU: https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18842060/QEMU
[2] Zynq UltraScale+ QEMU: https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18841606/QEMU+-+Zynq+UltraScalePlus
[3] CoSim: https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18842109/QEMU+SystemC+and+TLM+CoSimulation
[4] Xilinx Evaluation Board BSP files and Yocto local mirror: https://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.html/content/xilinx/en/downloadNav/embedded-design-tools.html